Sankey Diagram for visualizing education budget allocation

Issue #249 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

See Sankey in D3

Low priority but Andrew and others would like to see some use of a Sankey diagram. This one is merely an idea and more ideas could be shared here.

Comments (3)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Something else relevant here from Scotts email:

    Hi Andrew

    Can you forward this request to the Data Manager in FSM regarding an indicator that could be looked at being derived from existing data please?

    The % wealth of a country (GDP or GNI) allocated to education is a good measure to consider and it can be calculated from figures from the EPPSO office in Palikir and education budgets and expenditure. It’s not a EMIS variable per se but it’s nonetheless important.

    Olivier has the method details if he needs more info.

    Would you be able to pass this onwards as I don’t have his email address



  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    This is not data collected by the EMIS system, but the database does have some places to put this, and means of calculating the EFA indicators around finance: Education Spend / GNI , Education spend per child / GNI per capita, % of govt spending on education. etc. We also get numbers on spending per sector, and therefore spend per child per sector. The idea is to key in a high level Education Budget, and indicate which line items contribute to particular sectors, or whether the line should be prorated across all sectors ( based on the enrolment in those sectors).

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