?Remote = true option not working

Issue #257 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Remote = true forces the application to load specified javascript libraries from cdn, rather than from the host server. This will generally be a lot quicker if your access to cdns is better than your access to the host - e.g. you are running from a Kiribati server in Australia. But - this has stopped working since the introduction of new libraries .. probably a question of sequencing?

Comments (2)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    Changing priority. Important to fix but not critical for now. I did not notice it negatively impact us, is it even still not working?

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    The view home/remote.cshtml is used when query string contains remote=true. This view needs to get updated when new libraries are added that may be remoted - ie; loaded from a cdn. Any files marked in the remoteables section of bower.json is added to the remotables bundle; and this bundle is not loaded by remotecshtml.

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