Referenced assemblies need to be relative to project location

Issue #30 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Using absolute paths to different path locations for assembly references means that project files are not compatible on two systems. Find a location to store references - beside the nuget folder

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    new folder assemblies sits under the solution root. This is a sibling of the nuget packages folder.

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    This is not really working on a fresh clone. The references had to be changed as shown in the attachments. Is this due to version mismatch? Can this be fixed to just work?softwords-references-issues1.PNGsoftwords-references-issues2.PNG

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    revised - this should finally fix this. References now point either to

    ..\assemblies - for non-nuget assemblies


    ..\packages - for nuget assemblies

    I think this is to be preferred to pointing the reference (a project input) to bin\debug (the project output) which to me feels a bit circular.

    When you Build in VS, VS will copy all the compiled outputs of your solution(e.g. pineapples.dll) together with all referenced assemblies to the bin\debug (or bin\release) folder.

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