Jasper Report - Enrolment Fixes

Issue #309 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

From Weison:

Not quit sure what the "null" represent. Also the report only show:

  1. Kosrae DOE
  2. Roman Catholic
  3. SDA


Comments (9)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @rupam_bhardwaj please look into this issue. Especially where the null values are coming from and if there is a better way to produce that same report from the warehouse.

  2. Shraddha Tambe

    I have changed the query to fetch the data from warehouse ( warehouse.enrol) table but still getting null values for age. In the warehouse table itself, we have such data.

    Should "null" be replaced with something else ? may be "Not Available" ?

  3. Shraddha Tambe

    Branch created for this issue, contains report (path /MyReports/fedemis/Students/Student Enrol by Age Level EA.jrxml) changed to use warehouse table.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Delete your test databases and use the new ones I have shared with you which I believe will address this.

  5. Shraddha Tambe

    Checked with Latest Database dump and using GridMaker procedure. It gives some data for age = Null in fedemis.

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