Warehouse Layer Issues and Tasks

Issue #316 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

I'm documenting here things that still need to be done fairly urgently (before May/June but before is possible).

  • Preferable to push any logic found in the procedures to generated the VERMPAF and VERMPAFDistrict back into the procedures to generated the warehouse layer. For example, NIR, GIR are calculated in the VERMPAF procedures so for reporting purposes we had to redo all those calculation again for excel prep and also for any JasperReports. The VERMPAF should be only to take what is in the warehouse and package it has XML for further web UI use

  • Complete classLevelERDistrict

  • The construction of EdLevelER node in XML (i.e. VERMPAFDistrict) would currently make use of population that is not by district. See image below. This linked table should contain population by district.


  • Rename [warehouse].[buildLevelER] to [warehouse].[buildClassLevelER] to make this clearer to others. Or rename [warehouse].[classLevelER] to [warehouse].[levelER]. Ensure the same consistency is brought to the VERMPAF XML node LevelER.

  • We need another schoolLevelER or where is the appropriate place to get all indicators by school?

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    NIR, GIR are calculated in the VERMPAF procedures so for reporting purposes we had to redo all those calculation again for excel prep and also for any JasperReports.

    My thinking is based on views being usable in cube presentations, such as pivot tables or tableau, so ratios are better claculated in the presentation, where they will be based on the interactive filtering. e.g. custom fields in Excel pivot tables work this way

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    My thinking is based on views being usable in cube presentations, such as pivot tables or tableau, so ratios are better claculated in the presentation, where they will be based on the interactive filtering. e.g. custom fields in Excel pivot tables work this way

    I'm fine with that and it is very useful. But I still think it would be good to have a view with the ratios already directly available. This would provide a canonical view from which to compare elsewhere calculated ratios (i.e. pivot tables, presentations, website, etc.). For example, instead of warehouse.EdLevelER

    • warehouse.EdLevelEnrolmentData (a table with all the raw data as it is now without calculating the ratios useful in the way you intended)
    • warehouse.EdLevelEnrolmentRatios (a view with the all the actual enrolment ratios that can be used directly in report layer or to compare)

    Also from one of your warehouse data tables (I think [warehouse].[EdLevelER]) I had to process separately the population columns to get the correct GIR/NIR calculated since your population data seems to be for the whole education level as oppose to the population at the official primary school-entrance age as required by GIR/NIR.

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