National Standard Performance Accreditation Progress Query Fix

Issue #376 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue
SELECT T1.District
    ,T2.[Total Schools]
    ,T3.[Total Schools Evaluated]
    ,T1.[Total Schools Accredited]
    ,T1.[Level 1]
    ,T1.[Level 2]
    ,T1.[Level 3]
    ,T1.[Level 4]
    SELECT [dName] AS District
        --    ,[inspsetName]
        --    ,[inspsetYear]
                WHEN [saSchLevel] = 'Level 1'
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
                END) AS 'Level 1'
                WHEN [saSchLevel] = 'Level 2'
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
                END) AS 'Level 2'
                WHEN [saSchLevel] = 'Level 3'
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
                END) AS 'Level 3'
                WHEN [saSchLevel] = 'Level 4'
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
                END) AS 'Level 4'
                WHEN [saSchLevel] = 'Level 2'
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
                END) + SUM(CASE 
                WHEN [saSchLevel] = 'Level 3'
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
                END) + SUM(CASE 
                WHEN [saSchLevel] = 'Level 4'
                    THEN 1
                ELSE 0
                END) AS 'Total Schools Accredited'
    FROM (SELECT dName, saSchLevel,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Schools.schNo ORDER BY inspsetYear DESC) AS rank
               FROM [SchoolAccreditation]
    INNER JOIN [SchoolInspection] ON [SchoolAccreditation].saID = [SchoolInspection].inspID
    INNER JOIN [InspectionSet] ON [InspectionSet].inspsetID = [SchoolInspection].inspsetID
    INNER JOIN [Schools] ON [SchoolInspection].schNo = [Schools].schNo
    INNER JOIN [Islands] ON [Schools].iCode = [Islands].iCode
    INNER JOIN [Districts] ON [Islands].iGroup = [Districts].dID
    ) x
    WHERE x.rank = 1
    GROUP BY [dName]
    ) T1
    -- Total schools in EMIS grouped by district
    SELECT [dName] AS District
        ,COUNT(*) AS 'Total Schools'
    FROM [Schools]
    INNER JOIN [Islands] ON [Schools].iCode = [Islands].iCode
    INNER JOIN [Districts] ON [Islands].iGroup = [Districts].dID
    WHERE Schools.schClosed = 0
    GROUP BY [dName]
    ) T2 ON T1.District = T2.District
    -- Total schools in EMIS with (at least) an school accreditation inspection
        SELECT  [dName] AS District
        ,COUNT(*) AS 'Total Schools Evaluated'
  FROM (SELECT [dName]
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Schools.schNo ORDER BY inspsetYear DESC) AS rank
          FROM [SchoolAccreditation]
    INNER JOIN [SchoolInspection] ON [SchoolAccreditation].saID = [SchoolInspection].inspID
    INNER JOIN [InspectionSet] ON [InspectionSet].inspsetID = [SchoolInspection].inspsetID
    INNER JOIN [Schools] ON [SchoolInspection].schNo = [Schools].schNo
    INNER JOIN [Islands] ON [Schools].iCode = [Islands].iCode
    INNER JOIN [Districts] ON [Islands].iGroup = [Districts].dID) x
WHERE x.rank = 1
GROUP BY [dName]
    ) T3 ON T1.District = T3.District

Comments (2)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I forget why I put this here but needs to be looked into when going through major uplift of school accreditation module.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    This code is currently in warehouse.TempSchoolAccreditationsLatest and warehouse.TempSchoolAccreditationsProgress and will be reviewed when doing the School Accreditation version 2

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