Need for further teacher disaggregation support in warehouse

Issue #378 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue
  • Type of teacher (e.g. SpEd, teacher aid, full-time vs part-time)
  • Dealing with non-teaching staff

From discussion with Brian:

I think the bigger issue is how we treat non-teaching staff which I think there are 2 kinds in this data: education non-teacthing staff - ie teachers promoted to Head of Department or Principal positions - and ancillary staff like cooks and gardeners.

We need to be able to get Pupil Teacher RAtios , but also we need some sectoral classification of the ancillaries because ultimately we are going to want financial indicators by sector - e.g. standard things that go back to EFA like "percentage of govt expenditure on educatopn, spending on primary education as percentage of spending on education etc.

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