Teacher Date of Birth recorded in Database with Time part

Issue #382 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

We are headed towards a world of pain editing teacher date of birth via the web ui, due to javascript default handling of date objects.

In the md-date-picker I have entered 10/22/1958

Since the client computer is in UTC+10

this gets sent to the server as


and saved in the DB as

1958-10-21 14:00:00.000

Next time the record is read, it is sent from the server to the client as


and displayed in the client as 10/21/1958 !!! And viewers in different time zones may see something different. This is ok for the starttime of a football match, but not useful for a date of birth, which should be the same everywhere.

There are a number of components that influence this workflow, from the sql (date/DateTime/DateTimeOffset) to .NET DateTime type, Newtownsoft serialization settings etc;

The only relaible way I have found to overcome this is to prevent the value being encoded as UTC on the client, by changing the Date prototype:

        Date.prototype.toJSON = function () {

        var m = moment(this);
        return m.format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");

As well, incoming dates read from JSON should get converted to Date objects - this artice discussed the issues:


Until now, we have tried to manage this field by field; e.g. in Teacher.ts:

    public _transform(newData) {
      // convert these incoming data values
      this._transformDates(newData, ["tDOB", "tDateRegister", "tDateRegisterEnd", "tDatePSAppointed"]);
      return super._transform(newData);

But - global solution implemented by an interceptor in the http pipeline is better - set and forget.

It seems incredible to me that this is as hard as it is, but, there you have it...

Unless you've got better ideas, I think this infrastructure really has to be there.

Comments (5)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    This needs to be sorted if every time someone opens a teacher in the web UI corrupts the data. Changing this to critical and please go ahead with your proposed solution as part of current teacher work.

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