Cannot find the file (Pineapples/Views/mvc/common/*)

Issue #40 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

All files in Pineapples/Views/mvc/common/ come up with the following error when trying to view them in VS.

Cannot find the file 'C:\Scholar\Scholar\views\mvc\common\Chart.cshtml'. It may have been moved or deleted.

Needs cleanup?!

Comments (2)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Some of this material has originated in a sister project that preceded the pineapples development. At first I managed it by using symbolic links in the .csproj file, and a custom build that copied these sources into the current folder. In fact, you'll find all those files are in the views\common folder, but are not included in the project. Dispensing with all of this - removing all symbolic links in pineapples.csproj and including all files directly in the project.

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