School Type dropdown not showing

Issue #403 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Just a reminder that the drop down for school type in the FedEMIS is still not working. When you click the drop down, its blank.


Note that that School type dropdown in FSM is actually the School Class field. See below the sysVocab. School Type in the FSM is called School Levels.

Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 11.44.21 AM.png

Comments (11)

  1. Jeremy Kells

    Tested this, and the code is fine - but there is no data in lkpSchoolClass.

    Do you have a set of options you want them to select from here?

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    I think this is at heart a system configuration issue. This switching of names here is quite confusing, and explains some of the confusion around all this.

    School Type is a fundamental classifier in the system - including throughout the warehouse. We did discuss the idea of having less of these groupings.

    My suggestion would be:

    move all the current code values in school types ( called school levels) from School Types to lkpSchoolClass; and update schClass on the schools table accordingly, by copying from schType.

    Introduce new, higher level values into School Types: I propose:

    E - ECE only school

    P - primary school, possibly with ECE as well

    S - secondary school only

    PS - combined primary and secondary school ( possibly with ECE)

    Update schType on Schools by mapping from the value now in School Class ( ie the value copied from schType).

    Update schType on SchoolSurveys similarly.

    Rebuild the warehouse.

    Change the vocab!

    To me, these higher level groupings are more sensible as 'School Type' because they will correspond to configurations of rooms and equipment. ie a school equipped to teach Secondary is going to have a laboratory? a woodwork shop? different playing fields etc; to a school only set up for primary/ECE.

    We could potentially put these new classifiers in schClass - but then we would continue to build the the warehouse on the wrong value.

  3. Jeremy Kells

    Not my call on this one, let me know if you want to go ahead with this.

    • There is data in SchoolTypes that will can't be stored in the lkpSchoolClass table - but possibly not critical.
    • There is a stTypeGrp column in SchoolTypes with similar values to what you are proposing above, though with a few more categories:

      • STGECE
      • STGEP
      • STGEPS
      • STGPRI
      • STGSP
      • STGTER
      • STGVOC

    If we go ahead, how do you want to make the updates? Should I prepare SQL, and attach it to this issue?

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    We need to hold on to this one until I can have another closer look. Brian the switching of name is confusing but was necessary for clients requirements. while I think we could do what you say for school type we won't be able to call it school type.

  5. Brian Lewis repo owner

    ... at the moment we have a set of values, labelled School Levels, and an empty list, labeled School Type.

    So, moving the storage of the so-called School Levels from schType to schClass would not affect that, provided we also change the vocab from School Class at the same time.

    This schClass as well as schType appear in the school filter, so there is no loss of functionality there.

    On the other hand, as Jeremy points out, we have these 'School Levels' aggregated up into 'School Type Groups'.

    So why don't we simply set up the school types equivalent to the way 'school type groups' are now, and change the vocab for 'School type' to be 'School Group'.

    So we end up with:

    'School Levels' - stored in schClass values:

    stCode stDescription STECE ECE STRTC Rural Training Centre STCC Community College STU University STPRE Preschool STK-5 Grade ECE-5 STK-8 Grade ECE-8 STK-10 Grade ECE-10 STK-12 Grade ECE-12 ST1-4 Grade 1-4 ST1-5 Grade 1-5 ST1-6 Grade 1-6 ST1-7 Grade 1-7 ST1-8 Grade 1-8 ST1-10 Grade 1-10 ST5-8 Grade 5-8 ST9-12 Grade 9-12 ST9-11 Grade 9-11



    'School Group' stored in schType

    values E P PS S

    (maybe get rid of TER and VOC and we'll add them back when needed)

    My feeling looking at data is that the presence of an ECE class in a primary seems to come and go? So that's why I thought NOT to distinguish between Primary schools that have ECE and those that don't - assume all primary schools could potentially have an ECE.

    Of course, the best way to know what class levels are actually taught in a school is to look at the enrolment data. Class levels can be quite volatile - in other places its not uncommon to see a tiny rural school take an intake every two years to get the class size up ; so they would teach Grade 1, Grade 3, Grade 5; then the next year Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 6.

    the point being that you wouldn't rely on 'School Level' to indicate what levels are in the schol, unless there was constant manual update of that, or an fsm-specific process to set it from enrolment data. Min level taught and highest level taught get reported in other ways - they are n the vermpaf for example.

  6. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @ghachey have you thought further about this?

    Should probably be resolved before too much work is done on dashboards.

  7. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @jeremy_kells can you work on issues not blocked by this until next week. I'll look at it around Tuesday. I need to focus on RMI while I'm here. In a nutshell, as long as we retain Public/Private data for "school types" FSM will be fine with that. It does not really matter when that data resides as long as in the UI under school types we see public/private. I believe the suggestions above will sort that out.

  8. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @Ghachey @jeremy_kells

    As you may know, whether a school is Public or Private (Govt/ Non-Govt) is set by the Authority which runs the school. There is a 3 level hierarchy Authority- Authority Type - Authority Govt values of which are in the tables Authority/lkpAuthorityType/lkpAuthorityGovt. The view AuthorityDimension has all these fields.

    In the same way that we display the District and region read-only when the island is selected, let's display this 'School Type', ie Govt / non Govt - when the Authority is selected?

    To change the column header, let's have vocab items

    Authority Type

    Authority Govt

    So a little bit of data maintenance to get over the first hurdle - having Government/Non-government displayed on the school page. Raising an issue for this which I will deal with now.

    @ghachey - let me know if you want to review this pull request before I merge it:


  9. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I'll consider this resolved. We may revisit the idea of changing the school levels (i.e. school types in the sytem) at a later point but it would be the third time now that I change this so I am not incline to think about it now.

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