Report Showing Under, Over and Official Age Enrollments Jasper Report Enhancement

Issue #460 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

The below should not replace what is in the current Age Distribution for Enrollments by State.jrxml report but enhance it. This issue will remain open and be re-assigned

Moving this input from @softwords into another issue to be looked at @rupam_bhardwaj and @jeremy_kells

From Brian:

First thing to be clear on here is the definition of Under, Over at Official Age. There are two ways of looking at this: * by level of education; * by class level.

For a Level of Education e.g. primary, there is an age range e.g. 6-13 (Grade 1 to 8)

All primary enrolled children between ages 6-13 are at Official Age. This is how NER is calculated for Primary education. This is the usual way of looking at over-age and under-age.

Conversely, for each class level, there is an official age e.g. Grade 4 = Age 9. You can then measure how many children are at the official age for the class they are in, and from this calculate, for each year of education, Class Level NER. It's also meaningful to consider Class Level GER - ie the enrolment in a single Class Level over the population of official age for that class level - a single year of age.

Note that there is no direct relation between class level NERs and Education Level NER. To see this, note that a 12-y-o child in Grade 1 is At Official Age for Primary ( and contributes to NER) but over age for their class level. So in particular, you CANNOT add class level NERs to get Education Level NER.

Examining Class Level NERs, across a range of class levels, provide information about flow.

This Excel presentation shows a lot of information about age analysis of enrolments; and could be good to incorporate.


Age participation Rate is the percentage of children of a given age that are in school - at any level. So, the percentages in tha table add across - not down - noting that for younger children, some of the age participation is in ECE and so not shown.

Also another related comment from Brian:

If comparing Overs and Unders, perhaps present as a percentage bar chart? ie the point is to show the relative percentages of children at official level, or older than official level BETWEEN states. If this varies between states, we can ask - why? Are kids starting later in one state? Are there impediments in getting to school ( distance/transport?) Are children repeating more? ....etc

Comments (10)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi Ghislain,

    Looked at this issue and based on suggestions there, created one report (the grid layout). PFA the PDF of the same.

    The charts shown in the image can also be generated, if you think those can be useful.

    Also as mentioned in the other comment,

    "Age Distribution for Enrollments by Nation" report has a chart showing State-wise comparison as a bar chart ("Age Distribution by State"). This chart can be converted into a percentage bar chart.

    Let us know your suggestions.


  2. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi Ghislain,

    PFA the PDF with the reports created so far which could be added to the actual report once we discuss about the same. I will hold off further work on this ticket until we discuss on things done so far.

    Thanks, Shraddha

  3. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey ,

    Yes Ghislain, we have worked on this and created a sample report. Please find the attached pdf file.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe it’s a good start. But it would have been better squeezed somehow and positioned like in the example above if possible. Don’t worry about this one. Submit it just like you have it with your work.

  5. Shraddha Tambe

    Yes @Ghislain Hachey , we have attached this report also in the repo. It will present in miemis/Students folder with the file name as “Age Distribution for Enrollments by ClassLevel.jrxml“

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