Support 'locked filtering' of schools data by district, authority, school no.

Issue #482 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

When a user is associated to a specific district, authority or school no, restrict any access to schools to those matching the specified district, authority, and school.

District has immediate use for FSM for restriction to state-based users. Authority is of potential use in Solomon Islands to restirct to provincial authorities and religious authoirties.

School No facilitates access to a single school - for the principal.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    PER TOR:

    Build architecture to support a login by state role showing only the state's data. This should also be made general enough to achieve the same for a school role showing only the school's data. This feature should be thoroughly tested in production in collaboration with FSM data management team

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    Filters should be applied when reading schools, school accreditations, and quarterly reports.

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