Install SSL certificate on

Issue #514 on hold
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

We should not rollout further without securing the site??

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    Sure. They have a cert though I don't know if they pay for the wildcard one. There is also the possibility to use which I have used for but needs proper HTTPS access publicly. Since I'm not the one that setup the original FedEMIS (Andrew did) and the firewall (I think also Andrew did) I'm not sure the 443 port will bbe available publicity without disturbing the way existing services work (e.g. webmail). Please discuss this with Weison/David and I will also send email to Andrew.

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    Couple of options.

    • We request for another public IP from ISP.
    • We setup a proxy server handling all 80/443 requests and sending to their respective servers
    • Use different ports (good as short term but to be eventually sorted properly)
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