Performance Assessment - Discuss how to best include as optional module

Issue #52 wontfix
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

When trying to see Performance Assessment -> Enter Assessments I do not get backend errors (all fiddler call succeed with 200). However, I get all these JS errors and nothing happens.


Comments (9)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    There's no data describing the layout of the assessment questionairres in the data you have. This feature was built for Kiribati - but I saw that an almost identical tool is in use in the sols , so there is probably a "common ancestor" which RMI may have too.

    Data follows via email...

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Good this could be useful to other too. But need a way to easily disable/enable feature. Also data should be in a default database so this just works if/when a country wants to start using it.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Changing this from bug into a task to discuss how to best improve this and make it general for more countries. I propose to start with something super simple.

    • Have a easy way to easily enable/disable the "Teacher Performance Assessment" module.
    • Have a default database that contains the necessary data so that when it is enabled it does not through errors as reported and when it is disabled it just does not show.


    -- GH

  4. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Hi all;

    You can in effect enable and disable modules by taking them out of the menu. The table Navigation in IdentitiesP defines the hierarchy shown in the side bar menu.


    So for example, you can remove perf assessments by removing it from the children of ALL. I would expect the structure of this to be different from site to site.

    The leaf nodes define the icon text, and ui-router state associated to the task.

    For users defined using identity logins, the menu they are given is defined by the menuKey on AspNetUsers.

    If you log in using a domain login, you currently get menu key ALL. as I think I mentioned elsewhere, the missing piece here is some mapping between domain groups and user profile to determine the menu key, Roles and filters.

  5. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Thanks that will be useful. I'll look into this more closely later today. But above I was more proposing like an Administrator role preference check box in the application itself kind of thing. I'm not saying this is urgent or anything, just proposing a concept.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    This should currently be worked around as described in this issue by Brian. It is also now documented in the developer guide.

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