Push changes in code automatically into running browser instance

Issue #538 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

I think this is a solution to this which seems to work quite well:

In Visual Studio, ensure that the Browser Link addin is installed and running,

Then install the BrowserReloadOnSave addin:


Follow the instructions on the above page to configure. So long as it reloads on change to js or cshtml it will cover most circumstances.

When you _build_deploy Pineapples.Client it will force the browser to reload.

To avoid starting a new browser instance of pineapples every time you start the app, in Pineapples project Properties, change the Web Start Action to Don't open a page


If you do not open a page, you will need to start at least one page by mavigating to localhost:52206. Thereafter, you can rebuild the client components with build deploy, or stop and restart the application (ie rebuild Pineapples project), and continue to work in your existing browser instance.

Other than the change to this option in the Pineapples project file Pineapples.csproj, the changes described here affect the developer's Visual Studio configuration, not the source code base.

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