Jasper Report - Exams Fixes

Issue #571 on hold
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

From Weison:

The one below is for the assessment report that is available and there are some "Elementary Schools" that is shown in the 10th Grade report:


Comments (3)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    Checked the report : /MyReports/fedemis/Exams/Exams Adequate Yearly Progress in Percentages by Standard Gender Portrait.jrxml

    Looks like a data issue.

    There are a bunch of schools which are "Primary Schools" but have data for 10th Grade exams like "Year 10 Maths" in the warehouse table - warehouse.ExamSchoolStandardsX

    Refer Below query for those schools -

    select sch.schName,st.stCode, -- st.stDescription,
    stg.codeCode, -- stg.codeDescription, 
    e.examYear,e.examName,count(1) as reccount
    from warehouse.ExamSchoolStandardsX e
    join dbo.schools sch on e.schNo = sch.schNo
    join SchoolTypes st on sch.schType = st.stCode 
    join SchoolTypeGroup stg on stg.codeCode = st.stTypeGrp 
    -- where e.schNo = 'PNI340';
    where st.stTypeGrp in ('STGECE','STGPRI','STGTER','STGVOC','STGEP')
    and e.examName like 'Year 10%' 
    group by sch.schName,st.stCode,st.stDescription,stg.codeCode,stg.codeDescription, e.examYear,e.examName
  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I will be more closely examining all exams data as soon as possible. Lease this issue for now.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    We are at a point where we need to completely assess the data going into the system and carefully compare analysis with the legacy system, identify issues and then take it from there.

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