Investigate source of null Age value in warehouse.enrol

Issue #581 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

reported in RMI - by @shraddha_tambe

These may go away as a result of fix for issue #575 ?

Requires a warehouse rebuild to test this - would prefer to get Newton to sign off on that and do it, rather than do remotely ..... @ghachey will be guided by you.....

Comments (8)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    @softwords Can you not try a warehouse rebuild on your local copy and just run the query? I think we'll just have to wait for Newton to rebuild warehouse Monday morning.

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    @ghachey yes I thought of that, :) and results look good.

    No null ages after 2015 in warehouse.enrol, and those earlier ones come directly from Enrollments - so those 3 records may be something to do with data takeup?



  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    For the 3 records shown above with Age 0; I doctored these to replace with the "official age" for the grade in question (G5 = 10, G4 = 9, G8 = 13)

  4. Brian Lewis reporter

    Also found that Transfers In were not being grouped by Age, instead by state of origin ( this is how they have always been presented in e.g. SIEMIS, KEMIS) Changed this to disaggregate Transfers In in PupilTables by both ptAge, and state now in ptPage. After warehouse rebuild, this removes all the Age = null records that contained only a TRIN value from warehouse.Enrol

  5. Brian Lewis reporter

    I refactored the stored proc ndoeLoadStudents to split out the logic that rebuilds the tables Enrollments and PupilTables from Student_ and StudentEnrolment_. the new sp is called StudentEnrolmentRollup.

    This is a convenience when undertaking data repair fixes like this; makes it easy to rebuild without needing to entirely reload the workbook.

  6. Brian Lewis reporter

    @shraddha_tambe @ghachey

    a warehouse rebuild in MIEMIS production will now eliminate the null ages you have seen in warehouse.enrol, due to changes already made in MIEMIS production data.

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