JasperReports change report query using warehouse.TempAgeSpecificEnrol[District]

Issue #585 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Find all reports using the data from the views warehouse.TempAgeSpecificEnrol and warehouse.TempAgeSpecificEnrolDistrict and change the query to get data from either of the following.


warehouse.EnrolPopNationR (same as above but de-normalized by gender if this is easier in Jasper)


warehouse.EnrolPopDistrictR (same as above but de-normalized by gender if this is easier in Jasper)

These will be the new permanent location in the data warehouse that will replace the Temporary views.

Comments (14)

  1. Shraddha Tambe

    Changed 2 reports to use the above views -

    Education Indicators Age Specific Enrollment Rate By Nation
    Education Indicators Age Specific Enrollment Rate By State

    In order to simplify things, we replaced one table with cross-tab component in "By Nation" report

  2. Shraddha Tambe

    In FEDEMIS, I see some values with District Code as NULL in "warehouse.EnrolPopDistrictR". These values have Enrolment but not Population for some older years.

    Data for this "null" district code shows up on the crosstab - ASER by Year, State and Gender


    Should I filter this data out at report level ?

  3. Shraddha Tambe

    For MIEMIS, the warehouse.EnrolPopDistrictR table has Population as null for all districts where we have Enrolment info , so effectively, the Chart & Crosstab in the report which show data by state are showing up empty / 00.00%



  4. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @shraddha_tambe : the District of a School is derived from the Island that school is on:

    Select schNo, Schools.iCode, Islands.iGroup, dID, dName FRom Schools LEFT JOIN islands ON schools.iCode = Islands.iCode LEFT JOIN Districts ON Islands.iGroup = Districts.dID

    so if there is no district, we have either a School with iCode NULL, or an Island with iGroup NULL.

    Running this query in live FEDEMIS I find one school without an Island; you'll probably find the same in your test data: YAP 461

    Adding the appropriate iCode to that record in Schools, then rebuilding the warehouse (exec warehouse.buildwarehouse) , will fix the problem.

  5. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @shraddha_tambe MIEMIS: - you are right, it seems that in MIEMIS we have only national population projections, not population at the State level. You can see this looking in Population table, where dID is always null (ie this row is a national population value).

    So without populations at state level, clearly we cannot report on population percentages. Only a national value can be presented.

  6. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghachey We are not publishing “Ïndicators by State” report in RMI for similar reasons. What should we do about the above subreports in “Indicators by Nation” ? Should these be removed ?

  7. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @shraddha_tambe Regarding the null district don’t worry about filtering this. It is as Brian say. I will update the Island and the District of that school and this problem will solve itself.

    Regarding the “Indicators by Nation” yes you can remove any subreport that includes data broken down by Districts (states in FSM and Islands and Atolls in RMI).

    Correct we are not publishing “Ïndicators by State” report in RMI. Maybe one day we will have population by district and we can revise all this if that time comes.

    Regarding “For MIEMIS, the warehouse.EnrolPopDistrictR table has Population as null for all districts where we have Enrolment info” you do not need this warehouse view in RMI since there is no population by district.

    Is everything clear to complete this issue?

  8. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest In “Indicatiors by Nation“ report we have removed all the subreports which are showing data by Districts level.

    Please find the attached report export file.

    In report there are two sections (Gross Intake Ratio and Net Intake Rate, Access Rate) which are not showing any data as there is no population data present in the table ‘warehouse.ClassLevelER’

  9. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest We have published ‘Indicators by Nation’ report in RMI server and published both ‘Indicators by Nation and Indicators by State’ reports in FSM server with the latest changes.

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