JasperReports - Teachers Summary Report by Nation/District

Issue #596 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Please improve this report.

  • There should be no null values showing. Probably better to put 0 if there are not teachers.
  • Integrate the National Version and District Version Teachers report you just removed and place them as a subreport in the Teacher Summary Report by Nation and Teachers Summary Report by District
  • The school name is centered throughout the report rows. It should be left aligned.

Comments (18)

  1. Shraddha Tambe


    1. Null value issue - We are pulling the data from warehouse.DistrictTeacherCount table and we have null sector values for each state. Instead of putting 0 can we add the condition to remove null sector values?
    2. Integrate the National Version and District Version - In Teacher Summary Report by Nation and Teachers Summary Report by District we have a sub report similar to Nation version and State version in addition with few more columns. Instead of integrating the entire report, can we add those extra columns in the existed subreport?
  2. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest We have applied few UI changes on the report to look good. Please have a look and let us know if any changes required.

    Please find the attached report export file.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    On the new report it looks better. Some more comments:

    • Can you not display the full name of the District?
    • Also, in RMI a district is not a State but it is a “Atolls and Islands”. So in the title of the table this will have to be changed (and maybe elsewhere too). Instead of hardcoding those vocabulary difference in reports for each country you can look at the table [dbo].[sysVocab] which contains all the local specific vocabularies. We can discuss this over next Skype if it is not clear.
  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Yes, you can safely omit the null sector rows in the warehouse.DistrictTeacherCount table for this report

  5. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Integrate the National Version and District Version - In Teacher Summary Report by Nation and Teachers Summary Report by District we have a sub report similar to Nation version and State version in addition with few more columns. Instead of integrating the entire report, can we add those extra columns in the existed subreport?

    Are you talking about the subreport in the section “3.4 Teachers Qualifications And Certifications”. Is yes, then yes you can use that one and just add the missing gender columns that adds to total.

    You can omit the null sectors

    Change the null values to 0 in non-null sectors.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe please scratch what I said. Do not omit the null sectors. Those could be valid teachers with qualification for which we just don’t know what grade (and therefore sector) they teach. However, please instead of showing null sector replace it with the string “Teachers with no submitted Class Level (i.e. Grade) taught”

  7. Shraddha Tambe

    @Ghislain Hachey We have updated the below changes and deployed the teachers summary reports by nation and by state in both rmi and fsm jasper server. Please have a look.

    • Displaying the full name of the district
    • State title value generating dynamically using [dbo].[sysVocab] table
    • School name is aligned to left
    • Merging Nation/State version report in teachers summary reports
  8. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest In RMI, We are unable to see the data in “.Teachers Qualification/Certifications By Education Level“ section in both teacher summary report by nation and by state. Reports present in this section are using ‘warehouse.DistrictTeacherCount’ view. In our local database dump we have the data but in RMI prod server we couldn’t see data in the report. Please check

  9. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest For null sectors issue: We have checked the data in the table and we found that there are no data present for the sector having null value so we have omitted the null sector values in the report.

    We have found the null values for Age, Instead of showing null for Age we are displaying ‘N/A’

  10. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @shraddha_tambe Do not omit the null sector. Just display it and replace the null with string “Teachers with no submitted Class Level (i.e. Grade) taught” as I mentioned above.

  11. Shraddha Tambe

    @ghacheytest We have removed the condition to omit null sector values and replaced the null with string you mentioned and published the reports. Please check

  12. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe the data in this report seems very wrong. Seems there is way too many unqualified and uncertified teachers. This needs a complete review of how the data in pulled in the report.

  13. Shraddha Tambe

    Hi @Ghislain Hachey , We have tested these reports against the data with the EMIS application data and newton also verified that it is working fine.

    With in the MIEMIS app there is a discrepancy in Teachers data, if it is fixed then you will get a desired outcome. There are no problems in the queries.

  14. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Shraddha Tambe leave it like this for now. I will investigate the data as soon as possible. If anything to fix I will create a new separate issue.

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