Material UI Remaining Issues

Issue #631 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

The list of remaining issues with the new upgraded UI with Material stuff in most user facing areas. Those importants should be sorted out. Those less important don’t spend too much time on it as it is not really part of scope of work.

ui-grid no longer taking full height of 1-50 records (or of page!?) [important]

Chart height is very small [less important as dashboard is meant to supersede this analysis feature]

Dashboard RMI. Check all dashboard for correct display in RMI. In particular, many atolls overflowing display, some atolls still displayed in code and not name, totals not display correctly, etc. [important]

[no photo]

Migrate the final bootstrap dialog to material dialog. See if we can completely remove bootstrap dependancy [less important]

[no photo]

Not sure when this happened but edit of school GPS location not working [important]

Teacher dashboard table missing data [important]

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