Data warehouse DistrictTeacherCount

Issue #654 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Seems none of the qualification and certification are in there.

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    The data model allows for the possibility that the standards of qualification/certification may change from year to year. e.g. It is possible that standards may be raised, so that a qualification that makes you qualified in 2017 does not make you qualified in 2018.

    This adds another layer of indirection in the calculation of certified and qualified status. This information is held in the table surveyYearTeacherQual:

    The problem you are seeing is because there is no records in this table for year 2019. (You will see there is cert/qual data for earlier years).

    In legacy Pineapples, this data is copied across from year to year when a new Survey Year is opened. This is handled by creating the new survey year using the SP pSurveyWriteX.CreateSurveyYear.

    This is adapted from that stored proc:

    begin transaction
    declare @SurveyYear int = 2019
        declare @MaxYear int
        Select @MaxYear = svyYear
        from Survey
        WHERE svyYear <> @SurveyYear
       -- copy all the school type definitions to the new year from the last
       INSERT INTO [SurveyYearSchoolTypes]
        FROM SurveyYearSchoolTypes
        WHERE svyYear = @MaxYear
     -- copy over teacher qualifations - always been a headache
        INSERT INTO [SurveyYearTeacherQual]
          FROM [SurveyYearTeacherQual]
        WHERE svyYear = @MaxYear
        select @maxYear
        Select * from surveyYearTEacherqual
        where svyYear = @surveyYear

    This code has been run now in live FEDEMIS. Run a warehouse build to regenerate Teacher counts.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis why were there no teacher qualifications? We have highest qualifications in survey year 2019. We just don’t have highest ed qualification (highest certification).

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