Get At-A-Glance year list from data

Issue #66 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Follows from 46.

Lookups now includes LookupList 'surveyYears' in the cache Use this to populate the availableyears list:

strategy - inject Lookups service into the controller. Expose the Lookups service as a public method of the controller Refer to Lookups.cache["surveyYears"] as the source of the options in the <select>

Lists in the lookup cache are of type ILookupList, and array of ILookupEntry with some extra searching methods ( see LookupsService.ts for defn)

In particular, each entry has properties C: (code) and N: ( name or description associated to that code) for a <select>, you'll use C as the value and N as the display. In some cases, these return the same value (e.g. surveyYears C and N are just the year number.)

surveyYears sorts DESC, I think its better to have the most recent data at the top of the list.

Comments (17)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Further note on Lookups: the init() method initialises the core set of lists in the cache. To see what these are, look in Pineapples.Data DSlookups class.

    init is called in a resolve block in ui-router. this means that the routes are not loaded until the promise resolves. In other words, you can always assume that the core lookups are populated.

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    I'll do this as soon as work from #67 is merged since the work will be directly in the new AtAGlance typescript controller.

  3. Ghislain Hachey

    OK. I've tried your strategy but could not really make it work properly without adding a fair bit more code. For example, when using the ILookupList in select option I have to work with ILookupEntry instead of plain numbers. This would be fine but as a result I have to change types of all related variable (baseYear, selectedYear getters/setters, etc.), this is also fine but then the simple calculation in the setters can no longer work with plain number arithmetic so I think ILookupEntry would have to be specialised with an add operation?!. At that point I took the easy way and only retrieved ILookupList's ILookupEntry.N to work with that. Seems to work.

    I also started doing a bit of documentation in the code as I learn and make use of to make it more clear to others using it, I hope you will not mind :)

    I've pushed what I have if you can have a look when you can and let me know if you think it's fine for a PR.

  4. Brian Lewis reporter

    oh wow I see what you mean.

    ng-options can get very complicated, and every time I use it I feel like i'm starting from scratch - but, there's generally a way to get what you want.

    this link goes through the options.

    There are shorthand forms, but always using the most elaborate means you've only got one thing to remember:

    <bound-value> as <label> for <object variable> in <array>

    I think all you need here is

    ng-options="lkp.C as lkp.N for lkp in vm.Lookups.cache['selectedYears']"

    with this syntax lkp.C is bound to the select, not the ILookupEntry - so it's still a number. Bear in mind in this list lkp.C and lkp.N are the same, but usually C is a code and N is the name.

    That should be all it takes - just make Lookups public in the controller. You won't need $q; and you can be confident that the Lookups are already initialised by the Resolve in ui-router.

  5. Ghislain Hachey

    Like I said, I went that path. In fact, I needed:

    ng-options="lkp.N for lkp in vm.Lookups.cache['selectedYears'] as track by lkp.C"

    The thing is the ng-models (baseYear, selectedYear) on the selects then become ILookupEntry adding IMO unnecessary bloat code because then you need to change the getters/setters to work with ILookupEntry including the number arithmetic as I mentioned above. The simple this.baseYear - 1 then no longer compiles a this is a ILookupEntry - 1 which is not supported (this is why I mentioned the specialised ILookupEntry for years with extra minus one year method, etc.)

    I am not sure where you saw the use of $q, I was just playing around that and did not even think I had it commited. I do simply expose vm.Lookups.cache['selectedYears'] values. Actually, I am just noticing that I forgot to remove the injected $q, I see where you got this now, though I am not using it. Was just experimenting with your service and then used the cache.

    I'll remove $q and commit in a minute.

  6. Brian Lewis reporter

    Your syntax using track by is not quite the same as what I have above using <select> as. track by does not affect the binding, only the identifier used internally to produce a unique identifier for the iteration - the angular documentation on this is, not unusually, very confusing.

    Take a look in e.g. SchoolSearcher.cshtml where there are a number of dropdowns based on lookups.

          <div class="col-md-2-a">
              <div class="form-group">
                  <label for="srchlistNames">Custom Lists</label>
                  <select class="form-control" id="srchlistNames"
                          ng-options="r.C as r.N for r in vm.lookups.cache.listNames">
                      <option value=""></option>

    These all bind the scalar value r.C to the select.

  7. Ghislain Hachey

    I just tried and it works. It's a little confusing that the form

    ng-options="lkp.N for lkp in vm.Lookups.cache['selectedYears'] as track by lkp.C"

    ends up binding the ng-models to a ILookupEntry while

    ng-options="lkp.C as lkp.N for lkp in vm.Lookups.cache['selectedYears']"

    does not. I'll push in a couple of minutes.

  8. Ghislain Hachey

    Hey. So I see you merged stuff into develop. How would you prefer I do the PR for this work?

  9. Brian Lewis reporter

    I created a branch and a PR, following I think the conventions you have put in place. So - the next step - rather than me merging my own PRs! - are you happy to be a reviewer with merge permissions into develop so PRs I create are assigned to you to review?

  10. Brian Lewis reporter

    Just one last tiny thing - can you run tslint and fix the three lint issues in this file - remove the two comments; add the break

  11. Ghislain Hachey

    Fixed lint issues, pushed and created PR. Eventually it will be good if the linting is part of _build_deploy so it must pass lint to go further. In my CSS branch the linting is enforced at build step (with only basic tests for now as you configured it).

  12. Ghislain Hachey

    Regarding reviewing PRs I'm happy to give it a go. My understanding of the whole system is nowhere near yours but I suppose a second pair of eye can't hurt.

  13. Brian Lewis reporter

    Noted about pineapples.js and I can see with more active branches going on this will be a pain. See #76

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