TeacherSurvey incomplete data [2020:O] [RMI:2021]

Issue #667 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Some clarifications needed.

  • Where is all the district codes?
  • Is tchStatus the Teacher and Non-Teaching Teacher Type in the workbook?
  • Why are many (most?) of the tchStatus NULL when there is definitely data int he tcheData XML?
  • What eaxctly is tchSupport? I thought that was for non teaching staff. So it would seem a tchStatus of NT would means tchSupport of Support and tchStatus of T would mean schSupport of NULL. If that is the case, all good but it still does not explain the numerous tchStatus NULL as previous bullet.

Comments (7)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I also just found [pTeacherRead].[TeacherSurveyV] which seems to have more complete tchStatus. Still not exactly clear…

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Changing this to blocker as we are getting very close to the deadline of submission of the annual indicators report which rely on the data warehouse.

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