Port legacy SchoolAccreditations to new Xml based format

Issue #675 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

DEvelop and run Sql process to do the restructure; then adapt the data layer and client layer accordingly.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    convertSA_RMI developed and run in MIEMIS production on 13 Sep

    The following query tests the values in the legacy SchoolAccreditations table against their converted equivalents:

    Select inspID 
    , inspectionResult
    , saSchLevel
    , [SE.1.1] - saL1
    , [SE.1.2] - saL2
    , [SE.1.3] - saL3
    , [SE.1.4] - saL4
    , [SE.2.1] - saT1
    , [SE.2.2] - saT2
    , [SE.2.3] - saT3
    , [SE.2.4] - saT4
    , [SE.3.1] - saD1
    , [SE.3.2] - saD2
    , [SE.3.3] - saD3
    , [SE.3.4] - saD4 
    , [SE.4.1] - saN1
    , [SE.4.2] - saN2
    , [SE.4.3] - saN3
    , [SE.4.4] - saN4
    , [SE.5.1] - saF1
    , [SE.5.2] - saF2
    , [SE.5.3] - saF3
    , [SE.5.4] - saF4
    , [SE.6.1] - saS1
    , [SE.6.2] - saS2
    , [SE.6.3] - saS3
    , [SE.6.4] - saS4 
    , [CO.1] - saCO1
    , [CO.2] - saCO2
    , Level1 - saLT1
    , Level2 - saLT2
    , Level3 - saLT3
    , Level4 - saLT4
    from pInspectionREad.school_accreditation ISA
    INNER JOIN SChoolAccreditation SA
    ON ISA.inspID = SA.saID

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