Exams dashboard issues

Issue #756 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue
  • no ability to filter the dashboards based on district, authority
  • selection of standard appears not to work?
  • generating infinite digests
  • only first chart gives results

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    @Brian Lewis The exams dashboard looked better before. Is there something that is perhaps not working as expected in my environment machine? The charts should be like before. I no longer see anything on by stardards, benchmarks, etc.

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    Try this again - it needed a warehouse rebuild to pick up a schema change. and populate a field.

    You can now select the year and exam, and select an individual state using the dashboard options.

    This is the same component rendering the Kiribati KNC exam at https://data.moe.gov.ki/Kemis/#!/exams/dashboard:

    This is a formal exam rather than a Standard Test of Achievement, so the +/- rendering would not be meaningful.

    Also I have changed all the palette handling here so that you can easily pass in a d3 defined palette, a colorbrewer palette (http://colorbrewer2.org/) or a custom palette ( such as the one used for the FSM Standard Tests of Achievement).

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