Newly setup development environment error

Issue #817 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

An error I have seen before. I don’t get rid of it in a consistent manner. But everytime a new development environment is created from scratch (this time VS 2019). this creeps up again. I try rebuilding and running the task __build_deploy again and again and it just does not carry over the files where they should be.

Comments (3)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    This usually happens in the case of incomplete build/deploy of assets. The most likely scenario for this is that bower did not get all the client side dependencies. While you can use a dump trick changing-saving-changing back-saving the bower.json file to force bower to update this may not work on a clean setup. The easiest is to do a bower install from the command line for the first time as shown below from within the pineapples/Pineapples.Client folder.

    I updated the developer docs with a note on this since it happens every time someone sets up a new development environment.

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