Purge references to dc-bar, dc-pie, dc-row

Issue #847 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Part of the reconciliation of charts.

The chart widgets in dashboard widget fall into two groups - those that ultimately draw in plottable, and those that ultimately draw using dc.

The dc components are used when the source data is derived from crosssfilter, the other (plottable-….) use adhoc data objects; now assembled into the standardised form we are calling “widget packages” WidgetPkg. (Note : this format may not be kept forever; upstream redesign of data sources in e.g. SchoolDashboard may remove these)

The hierarchy of charts relying on dc has been e.g.

bar-chart (dashboard/widgets)

bar-chart-base (dashboard/widgets)

dc-bar (common/charts)

dcjs library (3rd party)

Similarly for pie, horizontal bar, line, stack etc

This hierarchy becomes:

dashboard-child-chart - replacing all the top level dashboard/widget charts

RowColChart new echarts based, can draw bar column, pie line area

echarts 3rd party

When all bar-chart components are moved to dashboard-child-chart, then these components are no longer required:




When the same migration is made for dc-pie then we can remove dc.js

We can take an inventory of where components are used by doing “Find in Files” in




Note that in src we need to search for the full name e.g. barChart and its “kebab-case” form bar-chart to catch both code references, and potential references in html literals in template properties.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    reinstated specific components for authority and district analysis on schools page - the last 2 dc charts

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