Add support for gender aggregation in TeacherPupilRatio tables/views

Issue #907 wontfix
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

As per requirement HPR7 from the indicators-and-data-warehouse-srs-FY2019-20-v1.docx

I’m adding this issue here has it seems fairly related to the work you are doing now

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    I had meaning meaning to comment on this - I’ve not seen this produced before - to be frank , I don’t see the point in these indicators… is anyone asking for them?

    This table shows all the theoretical possibilities:

    Each of these can be produced from the core PTR if required, by using the % of pupils or % of teachers by gender.

    But I don't think any of them tell anything useful - to measure the provision of teaching resource - you’d just use PTR - and to measure gender equal opportunity, you’d use % Female Teachers.

    I guess if somebody wants this in a report you can do as above, but… I’d be reluctant to add any of these 8 additional numbers to the API or to the VERMPAF.

    Welcome your thoughts on this @Ghislain Hachey ?

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis I agree with you. Let’s use your suggested approach in analysis workbooks if it is ever needed we’ll know how to produce all the theoretical possibilities. I will take this issue and produce a sample workbook.

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