Census workbook upload error not showing

Issue #925 duplicate
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

The error below is not captured and returned to user in user friendly manner.

Comments (2)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis this is related to the same issue we had last year. Days of absence should be allowed to have decimal values (e.g. half days). Last year the issue presented itself with students. This year again but with staff. You add provided a quick fix last year. I believe only in the censusLoadStudent by changing the data type of Days_Absent. But this I think is insufficient as when loading the temp @ndoe table into the StudentEnrolment_ table the [stueDaysAbsent] column is still int and the decimal is lost. We also need to fix this for staff (though TeacherSurvey currently does not store days absent on the table but only kept in the xml).

    So, no need to extra validation feedback for the user here since this is good data, we just need to properly process it. I have changed the procs and FEDEMIS production to enable them to load the workbooks but please to resove this issue this needs to be permanently fixed.

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