Annual census workbook software requirements specification for next version

Issue #927 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Based on feedback from users and easily captured data for adding capability to report new SDG indicators.

No backend work is required but we do need to add the new columns to make the data available for SY2020-21. I have the workbook with all these added if this makes it easier (e.g. getting the hints, etc.)

Add “Bullied?” column with YesNo and hint validation. Defaults to No if answer not provided.

Add to Student sheet “Home Language” with lkpLanguage and hint has validation. Required.

Add to School sheet “Language of Instruction” with same lkpLanguage and hint as validation

Add to schools sheet columns “Provides HIV Education”, “Provides Sexuality Education” and “Provides Covid-19 Education” with YesNo and hint as validation.

Add to schools sheet “Internet for Pedagogical” and “Computers for Pedagogical” with YesNo and hint as validation.

Add to schools sheet “SpEd Infrastructure” with YesNo and hint as validation.

We will also need to add a list of core general subjects taught in the Staff sheet in a similar way we have for Grades Taught. Unless there is a more general way like create a number of Subjects columns (Subject 1, Subject 2, etc.) with a dropdown pulling from a configurable lkpSubjects (need to check is lkpSubjects is actually used for this) and a teacher can have 1 or more Subject X column entered with the subject dropdown.

Comments (2)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Sending by email the template workbook with all the above mentioned new columns with their data validation / descriptions.

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