Obsolete warehouse table Disability and tableDisability

Issue #960 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

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Comments (8)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @Ghislain Hachey

    Not sure if these are obselete; data path is:

    Disability rows (DIS) in PupilTables =>

    view measureDisabilty =>

    processed by warehouse.BuildDisabiity =>

    to produce warehouse.Disability and warehouse.TableDisability

    warehouse.buildDisability is called by buildWarehouse.

    warehouse.Diasbility (school level/ disability type/gender class level) is read by DSWarehouse to respond to disability requests api/warehouse/disability/….

    Am I missing something??

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis I documented this based on a discussion we had on a change that saw disability data move to some other place, perhaps warehouse.enrolSpEd and warehouse.SpecialEd? It’s been several years I documented this cleanup task so to be honest I am no longer sure and if you still see it in use then perhaps best to leave it.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    A note from discussions. enrolSpecialEd is a more disaggregated version of tableDisability, but let's keep tableDisability for now, it is maintained by warehouse build and will work for Kiribati who have survey disability school level totals in PupilTables.

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