The Educational Environment (IDEA) SA for early childhood column shall have an associated lookup table [2020:HPR5a]]

Issue #974 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

I will take this off your plate

From SRS:

The Educational Environment (IDEA) SA for early childhood column shall have an associated lookup table with the following code – name

  • description:

·       REC10YSVCS - Services Regular Early Childhood Program (at least 10 Hours)

  • Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program At Least 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In The Regular Early Childhood Program

·       REC10YOTHLOC - Other Location Regular Early Childhood Program (at least 10 Hours) - Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program At Least 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In Some Other Location

·       REC09YSVCS - Services Regular Early Childhood Program (Less Than 10 Hours)

  • Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program Less Than 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In The Regular Early Childhood Program

·       REC09YOTHLOC - Other Location Regular Early Childhood Program (Less Than 10 Hours)

  • Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program Less Than 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In Some Other Location.

·       SC - Separate Class

  • Children attending a special education program (NOT in any regular early childhood program). Specifically, a separate special education class

·       SS - Separate School

  • Children attending a special education program (NOT in any regular early childhood program). Specifically, a separate school

·       RF - Residential Facility

  • Children attending a special education program (NOT in any regular early childhood program). Specifically, a residential facility

·       H – Home

  • Children attending neither a regular early childhood program nor a special education program (Not included in rows above). And receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services at home

SPL - Service Provider Location

  • Children attending neither a regular early childhood program nor a special education program (Not included in rows above). And receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services at the service provider’s location or some other location not in any other category

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