Track missing survey submission

Issue #980 new
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

The simplest possible way to track missing submission of schools surveys. The use case below discusses an idea but it could be implemented completely differently.

The system shall add support for a new table (or a view) in warehouse (or not in warehouse) to identify missing school year submissions. For example, it could be called warehouse.SurveyResponses. This table shall have columns SchoolNo, SchoolName, DistrictName, IslandName, SchoolLatitude, SchoolLongitude, SurveyYear, SubmittedStatus, SchoolStatus (whether that school is still active or closed). A simple audit table that shows every year whether the school has submitted the annual survey or not. Should have records for every year and only display active schools for that year that should have a annual census submission.

Comments (7)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    While optional, it would be nice to view all submitted and not submitted surveys on the Map.

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    This also covers “Survey Control - desktop KEMIS provides tools to track survey form dissemination, collection and processing” from Kiribati

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