Charts should start from 0

Issue #17 resolved
Chandler Jakomeit created an issue
  • All charts and graphics should have an animation for both the chart elements (ie circle chart, bar chart, etc.) and number to start from 0 on scroll

Comments (6)

  1. Ash Warren

    I don't think this is possible as the handwritten numbers are image sprites and rendered as slices of a larger spritesheet. We will have to look into adding scroll monitoring to all charts not sure if there will be time but we can put it on the backburner.

  2. Kari Juip

    Hey Dan, Per Ash, I'm assigning this one to you. We don't need to have the numbers start from zero, but it would be nice to have the animation of the charts start from zero, so they have that movement upon scroll.

    I see you guys did it with the path chart, which looks great, but they could be a little slower than that one currently is.

    Let me know if you need further clarification.


  3. Ash Warren

    Actually @danwill I am in the middle of this, may ask you to fine-tune this one though after I get in the initial animation.

  4. Ash Warren

    We've added this to the path chart (now slowed down a bit) and the bar/radial charts. As previously mentioned we really don't have a way to "count up" from 0 on the handwritten number charts so these will have to stay as is. Will go up with the afternoon release.

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