Update mobile spacing - intro

Issue #3 resolved
Kari Juip created an issue

Spacing has been updated within the mobile PSD, and line breaks added. PSD includes notes for instanced where something has changed.

Intro PSD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzwyo8z5omh3hub/1_adobe_DMAR_design_mobile_intro.psd?dl=0

Comments (2)

  1. Ash Warren

    We've done our best to address any of the glaring spacing issues related to the mobile layouts. A few things to note about these requests:

    • In some (many) cases, the gradient overlays and way that the section elements have to fit together are driving much of the spacing. Unfortunately it isn't as easy as just shifting an element up or down.
    • There are also some subtle font size changes, in an effort to expedite development and ensure cohesive sizing between sections we are reusing components and type sizes. If a typeface is within a couple points of another like typeface these were normalized and reused.
    • Many of the components heights for mobile are also based on viewport height which can fluctuate between devices.

    Please let us know if there are any critical show-stopper changes and we can either explain the reasoning behind the difference or work with your team to address.

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