Insights - auto open

Issue #34 on hold
Kari Juip created an issue

This one completely slipped my mind.

The insight pop-ups should auto open after a second or two when the industry is selected. Then close if you click anywhere else on the page or start scrolling down

Comments (6)

  1. Ash Warren

    This one would probably require a CO as we would have to:

    • Add in functionality to only popup the insight if you are currently on that chart (since all charts are in sync)
    • Add in the ability to click anywhere on the page to close the window (in this case it's not really a modal more of an info/tooltip)
    • Add in the scroll to close behavior

    Let us know if we should work up a quick quote. Thank you!

  2. Corey Hankey


    Totally understand. Can you let me know costs and timing so I can inform them?



  3. Ash Warren

    I would say somewhere around 6 hours, would have to work on it next week although there shouldn't be an issue getting it pushed up by the 20th.

  4. Corey Hankey

    Thanks Ash,

    Lets keep this in the same on hold bucket for now but the clients expectations have been set. Kari and I will follow up next week.

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