Assess - Key strategies - animate 1,2,3 trees

Issue #9 resolved
Chandler Jakomeit created an issue

To add some movement, can we animate the 1,2,3 on the tree chart and the numbers of the Make the Journey More Enjoyable graphic under the Assess section?

Comments (7)

  1. Ash Warren

    Partially done with animations on Assess section charts, still working on bar/tree/footprint charts.

  2. Ash Warren

    Kari, can you provide more details on the issue with alignment? Do we just need to push down the numbers a bit? Thank you.

  3. Kari Juip

    I may have just needed to refresh, the numbers were shifted to the right side of the trees, but they seem centered now. However, the number 2 is much smaller. I'm assuming it was that way in the PSD (sorry I didn't catch it there), but can we bump up the size to be slightly bigger than the 3?

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