Genespider toolbox bug on Windows platform

Issue #1 new
justinlin created an issue

It is found that the Exchange.m domcument in the @Exchage folder under +datastruct folder. Its coding has a function naming tmpurl1=fullfile about 338&340 lines in Matlab. This function would be wrong on Windows platforms because it will replace all forward slashes (/) with backslashes () on Windows platforms. It will make Genespider cannot use the documents on URL. So, add the coding behind (tmpurl1=fullfile(…))(two lines(338&340lines) is neccessary) like this: for i=1:length(tmpurl1) if tmpurl1(i) == '\' tmpurl1(i) = '/'; end end it will be work on windows platform

Comments (2)

  1. Andreas Tjärnberg

    Hi, Thanks for the notice. I have pushed a suggested fix. Could you check if it works. I have no access to a windows.

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