fail to build the auth.dbx file or no proper instructions

Issue #7 new
PICCORO McKAY Lenz created an issue

the mod are installed in good way but it seesm the file auth.dbx for writing must be set manually and is not pointed in any wiki page..

my direct question:

  • op 1) this file how is generated?
  • op 2) can be just an empty file?

this is the log ooutput:

Oct 27 14:05:40 cloud-server4 minetestserver: 2021-10-27 14:05:40: ERROR[Main]: Cannot open /var/lib/minetest/.minetest/worlds/world/auth.dbx for writing.

i run those commands:

[root@venenux minetest]# awk -f .minetest/games/minetest/mods/auth_rx/tools/convert.awk -v mode=convert .minetest/worlds/world/auth.txt
Converting .minetest/worlds/world/auth.txt...
Done! 111488 of 111488 total records were imported to auth.db (0 records skipped).
[root@venenux minetest]# echo -e "pass now\n" > .minetest/worlds/world/

that are neither described .. in any quick install info.. the readme jsut said “run “ and “refers to instructions” and in the forum the isntructions are so vage (i can fix that documentation later and help to you)

PD: the Bitbucket manager is a crap shit.. all must be web and is huge heavy .. as gitlab or github puff try gitea more simple!

Comments (3)

  1. PICCORO McKAY Lenz reporter

    ok the problem is the documentation.. is pretty vage and confused.. about use cases.. i will provide a working one but i need your responses about that ! @Leslie Krause

    you always pointed the command with “convert” case.. but must be “isntall” only .. convert is used only to advanced case for more fine tune fill of the new database--

    the readme point and have references in vage context .. and the only ruight way is on the furum in this specific

    i am running the poweered version of minetest.. cos mobile users only join with that

  2. PICCORO McKAY Lenz reporter

    hi @Leslie Krause i ask before work with documentation collaboration: if → you will continue to use that thing named bitbucked host for project???! (i hope no but if you then.. )

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