compatibility for `/auth_reload` command? and password administration ones?

Issue #8 new
PICCORO McKAY Lenz created an issue

there are server command aroudn the auth.txt file.. or auth mechanish for crap of 5.X releases..

  • /setpassword <player> <password>—Sets password of <player> to <password>
  • /clearpassword <player>—Makes password of <player> empty
  • /auth_reload—Reloads auth.txt, which is the authentication data, containing privileges and Base64-scrambled passwords

this mod sis compatible with that? i exec some couple of times and some times crash others just do nothing!

Comments (3)

  1. Leslie Krause repo owner

    I don’t think that clearpassword will work, or at least I have not tested that command in 5.0. But setpassword should work as should `auth_reload`. I can further check on all three commands to make sure they are functional in 5.x.

  2. PICCORO McKAY Lenz reporter

    glad to see you active.. so i sadi some things:

    1. i do not use 5.X version of minetest is buggy for some things and faster for others…
    2. tested setpassword and works prefect.. auth_reload tested but not confirmed.. at lest do not crash
    3. i used minetest 0.4 cos then any phone client can connect to my servers, amy phones are not allowed in 5.X due stupid rules

    NOTE: specially you must understand the reasons for me to use 0.4 by example i banned a japanesse ip cos a griffer always test dragonfire heated client.. so then if other user got that ip from network provider.. will be banned.. is a shot example of injustice rules that’s why i used 0.4 and your auth redux ….

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