Glyphnames keep changing

Issue #26 new
Georg Mayr-Duffner created an issue

smed inherited this issue from FF:

Comments (10)

  1. Georg Mayr-Duffner reporter

    A testfont with all glyphs that have ever changed names without my wanting it and not knowing why. I have no idea how I could reproduce the changing. At least glyphnames uni01dd and uni01e5 are faulty.

  2. Khaled Hosny

    The SFD of EBGaramond12-Regular has the name list set to “AGL without afii”, which is probably a left over from when the font was created. Did you try to explicitly switch the fonts to AGLNF (Encoding → Rename Glyphs → AGL For New Fonts)? But we shouldn’t be renaming glyphs without user request nevertheless.

  3. Georg Mayr-Duffner reporter

    Thanks for this finding! I’ll do as you suggest and look if it stays quiet now.

    The funny thing about the renaming is, I couldn’t find a source for uni01dd and uni01e5. I tried grepping around in FF and smed sources with no success.

    Edit - I forgot: sometimes I did see the renaming happening when toggling encoding → compact

  4. Georg Mayr-Duffner reporter

    Another thing: Shouldn’t AGLFN be default? AGL (current default) does a few deprecated things.

  5. Barry Schwartz

    Original FontForge and therefore its derivatives IMO are a lot too quick to set certain things for the user. It’s all written on the assumption that George could figure out ahead of time what was appropriate, even though recommendations constantly change, and when really this stuff is exactly what a user might wish to handle through personalized scripts and such.

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