Guile 2.0 Dependency Breaks LilyPond

Issue #28 resolved
baskerville created an issue

Many of the programs that depend on Guile can't handle 2.0, in particular LilyPond.

It would be great not to have to choose between FontForge and LilyPond.

Comments (4)

  1. Barry Schwartz

    Probably one can simply run Sorts Mill Tools with a bunch of environment variables set differently, via a script or alias, after installing Guile 2.0 somewhere. Also some OSes, such as Gentoo with the ‘lisp’ overlay, let you have both Guiles installed as system software.

    In any case, Sorts Mill Tools is never going to be compatible with Guile 1.8. It is more than enough work to implement it with Guile 2. We use the same libraries that Guile 2 uses (Boehm GC and libunistring, at least) and the API is not quite the same.

  2. Barry Schwartz

    Lilypond is the software with a problem, of course. :) lsh is another program I can think of that needs to update to the current version of Guile. (In that case I suspect the changes needed are exceedingly trivial, too.)

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