Build fails on archlinux64

Issue #48 new
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I have spent the almost my day in battle with the sortmill-tools building process. Ab initio it was outdated AUR package, which had misdependences. After I have edited PKGBUILD for building from master, and again I was going in trouble: master version of sortmill-tool depends on another 3 sortmill projects. OK, I have written PKGBUILD for them and finally successfully built them. And now return to the sortmill-tools, all './configure' checks pass, building has started, BUT:

In file included from freetype.c:45:0: fffreetype.h:50:32: fatal error: internal/internal.h: No such file or directory # include <internal/internal.h> ^ compilation terminated. Makefile:2638: ошибка выполнения рецепта для цели «freetype.lo» make[1]: [freetype.lo] Ошибка 1 make[1]: Ожидание завершения заданий… In file included from ftdelta.c:45:0: fffreetype.h:50:32: fatal error: internal/internal.h: No such file or directory # include <internal/internal.h> ^ compilation terminated. Makefile:2638: ошибка выполнения рецепта для цели «ftdelta.lo» make[1]: [ftdelta.lo] Ошибка 1 make[1]: выход из каталога «/home/hz/build/sortsmill-tools/src/sortsmill-tools/fontforge» Makefile:2075: ошибка выполнения рецепта для цели «all-recursive» make: [all-recursive] Ошибка 1

I have used such rewritten PKGBUILD

P. S. Your project have made my day :). And what is the funniest, that I'm not sure,that I so need the sortmill-tools.

Alaksiej Stankievič aka Harald Zealot

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