Fails at the `make install` Stage

Issue #6 resolved
baskerville created an issue

With the following:

In system/base/target.scm:
  59: 19 [with-target "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ...]
In system/base/compile.scm:
 147: 18 [compile-file "sortsmillff/internal-types.scm" #:output-file ...]
  43: 17 [call-once #<procedure 146a540 at system/base/compile.scm:56:5 ()>]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
 171: 16 [with-throw-handler #t ...]
In system/base/compile.scm:
  59: 15 [#<procedure 146a500 at system/base/compile.scm:58:9 ()>]
 150: 14 [#<procedure 146a580 at system/base/compile.scm:148:8 (port)> #<input-output: /home/ice/projects/PKGBUILDs/sortsmill-fontforge/pkg/usr/lib/guile/2.0/site-ccache/sortsmillff/internal-types.go.EXolj3 6>]
 199: 13 [read-and-compile #<input: sortsmillff/internal-types.scm 5> #:from ...]
 211: 12 [lp (#<tree-il #>) #<directory (sortsmillff internal-types) 16446c0> ...]
 177: 11 [lp (#<procedure compile-tree-il (x e opts)>) (use-modules #) ...]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
2131: 10 [save-module-excursion #<procedure 167b420 at language/scheme/compile-tree-il.scm:29:3 ()>]
In language/scheme/compile-tree-il.scm:
  31: 9 [#<procedure 167b420 at language/scheme/compile-tree-il.scm:29:3 ()>]
In ice-9/psyntax.scm:
1091: 8 [expand-top-sequence ((use-modules #)) () ((top)) ...]
 976: 7 [scan ((use-modules (sortsmillff internal-types-syntax))) () ...]
 270: 6 [scan ((# #) #(syntax-object *unspecified* # #)) () (()) ...]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
3261: 5 [process-use-modules (((sortsmillff internal-types-syntax)))]
 623: 4 [map #<procedure 11d4200 at ice-9/boot-9.scm:3261:25 (mif-args)> ((#))]
3262: 3 [#<procedure 11d4200 at ice-9/boot-9.scm:3261:25 (mif-args)> (#)]
2597: 2 [resolve-interface (sortsmillff internal-types-syntax) #:select ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 1 [scm-error misc-error #f ...]
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
 106: 0 [#<procedure 146a4c0 at ice-9/boot-9.scm:97:6 (thrown-k . args)> misc-error ...]

ice-9/boot-9.scm:106:20: In procedure #<procedure 146a4c0 at ice-9/boot-9.scm:97:6 (thrown-k . args)>:
ice-9/boot-9.scm:106:20: no code for module (sortsmillff internal-types-syntax)

Comments (9)

  1. Barry Schwartz

    You might want to set GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH, too, so it can find the .go (bitcode) files.

  2. Barry Schwartz

    I try to set it up so if one installs to the same prefix as Guile then those things work automatically, but if you install FF elsewhere (as I myself do) then the environment variables may need to be set.

    The GUI tries to add the correct directories to the paths, but that doesn't help in external scripts or during make install.

  3. Craig Lennox

    What should GUILE_LOAD_PATH and GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH be set to for make? Obviously not the install path, because the files aren't there yet.

  4. baskerville reporter

    I've set GUILE_LOAD_PATH to point to the guile directory to be found at the top of the source tree.

    Not sure about GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH.

  5. Barry Schwartz

    These things should be set automatically in mk/ but it has had errors in it before, and I do not consider it the ultimate approach. I may end up setting this all up in the configure script.

    GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH is not crucial during build but you do want it set correctly for wherever you install the .go files, or else you will be running the source code interpreter instead of the bitcode interpreter. Having it set during build can speed it up, though, especially if you run make more than once.

    I consider it a bug in Guile that you can end up running from source code without knowing it.

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