Hitting *Tab* in the Input Field of the Metrics Window Yields a Segmentation Fault

Issue #7 resolved
baskerville created an issue

Step to reproduce:

  • Open any font.

  • Select any character.

  • Open the Metrics window (Ctrl-K).

  • Hit Tab.

Comments (6)

  1. Barry Schwartz

    I stuck in a quick workaround that, I suspect, does not restore the intended behavior, but at least avoids the immediate cause of the segfault.

  2. Barry Schwartz

    Workaround in place, but the intended behavior may be different. (We didn’t write it, so don’t know without investigating. :) )

  3. Khaled Hosny

    I had the same change last night, but didn’t push it pending investigating the wrote of the issue.

  4. Khaled Hosny

    OK, this fix is all needed actually. The metrics view text field is initialized with GTextInfo array (mv_text_init) that has a separator line and separator lines have NULL text.

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