Error Tester.WinForm in CapabilityReader ReadOneValue

Issue #32 resolved
Fajrudin Akbar created an issue

Good Evening Eugene,

I'm trying to run Tester.Winform with canon lide 25. while in get capability in function ReadOneValue :

CapabilityReader ReadOneValue(IntPtr baseAddr)
  int offset = 0;
  ItemType = (ItemType)(ushort)Marshal.ReadInt16(baseAddr, offset);
  offset += 2;
  OneValue = baseAddr.ReadValue(ref offset, ItemType); // Error
  return this;

in baseAddr.ReadValue(ref offset, ItemType);, its show "The type initializer for 'NTwain.Data.TypeExtensions' threw an exception" and Value at itemType is "NTwain.Data.ItemType.Int32".

what i must do, to fix this error.

Thank You,


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