Read ICAP_Rotation from a EPSON DS-560

Issue #33 resolved
Stoicescu Marian created an issue

I have a simple piece of code that read and display some caps and I have a problem with ICAP_ROTATION on a Epson DS-560. I get an empty list

            sem = src.ICapRotation.IsSupported;
            aidaLabelRotation.Enabled = sem;
            cmbRotation.Enabled = sem;
            if (sem)


        private void LoadRotations(ICapWrapper<TWFix32> cap)
            var list = cap.Get();
            cmbRotation.DataSource = list;
            var cur = cap.GetCurrent();
            if (list.Contains(cur))
                cmbRotation.SelectedItem = cur;              

I had no problems with other models tested in the past (like Canons: DR 2010C, C225, 123)

Loking with twirl seems to have a TWrange there aaa.png


Comments (6)

  1. Eugene Wang repo owner

    As I don't have this scanner, you'll have to help with debugging to find out why. In the CapWrapper class does CanGet return true or is the CapGet() not returning a list? get-code.png

    If CanGet is true you'll have to look inside CapabilityReader's PopulateFromCapValue method to see if it's correctly reading the cap. read-code.PNG

  2. Eugene Wang repo owner

    I think it may be the range values being read incorrectly. For all others I used object but for range used uint.

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