Do scan without UI window

Issue #77 resolved
Silviu Lupu created an issue


I am trying to do a scan, without having any windows appear. I am using this line to initialize the scan:

Enable(SourceEnableMode.NoUI, false, parentIntPtr).

The scanning works, but I see a Scan progress window that appears. If I change the parent to Zero, or a value that does not exist, something crashes with "AccessViolation" in the dll, and my application crashes.

Is there a way to do a scan silently, without any preview / progress windows appear?

Thank you very much, Silviu.

Comments (3)

  1. Eugene Wang repo owner

    See if the scanner can set indicators to false (capabilities is CapIndicators). If not then it won't be possible.

  2. Silviu Lupu reporter


    Thank you for the fast reply. It worked nicely after setting it to false.

    Thank you again.

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