Limit to the number of scanned images that can be transfered

Issue #87 new
Vicente Brito created an issue

Hi. NTwain is a great library but I have an issue with my last app. That app has to process a lot of scanned images. I'm using NTwain with a Kodak ScanMate i940 scanner. My issue is the following: NTwain works perfectly until it reaches the scanned image number 63. From that scan on, NTwain stops from transfering the scanned images to my app, although the scanner goes on working. NTwain does not throw any exception, just fails silently. I suppose it is a problem with the Twain session. If I close my app and start it up again, Twain returns to work well .. until it reaches again the fateful scanned image number 63. Is there a limit to the number of scanned images that NTwain can transfer in the same session? Do I have to close the current Twain session and open a new one when the app is near that limit for NTwain to continue transfering the scanned images? Thanks in advance.

Comments (2)

  1. Eugene Wang repo owner

    There should be no limit to max transfer count in a single session. If the feeder is still going but just not getting image data then maybe app is not keeping up or running low on memory (just a guess).

  2. Vicente Brito reporter

    Hi. You're right. There is no a maximum number of transferred images in a single session. It was my fault. I wasn't disposing certain objects properly and, consequently, it caused lack of memory. I've fixed it and my app can now scan endlessly. Thank you very much.

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