Detect paper

Issue #91 new
Tim created an issue

I can use the CurrentSource.Capabilities.CapPaperDetectable.IsSupported property to determine if a scanner can detect the presence of paper. If that capability is available, how do I use it to detect whether paper is in the scanner?

Comments (2)

  1. Paweł Piwowarczyk


    I'm checking this capability like:


                if ( dataSource.Capabilities.CapPaperDetectable.CanGet && dataSource.Capabilities.CapPaperDetectable.GetCurrent() == BoolType.True &&
                    dataSource.Capabilities.CapFeederLoaded..GetCurrent() == BoolType.False)
                    throw new Exception("Not loaded");

    dosn't matter if is loaded or not it is retrunig False. Any suggestions?

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